Publications & Talks
January 2023
Vierus, Paul, Conrad Ziller, and Nicole Marx. "Grenzen politischer Repräsentation: Determinanten der Wahlbeteiligung bei Integrationsratswahlen in Nordrhein-Westfalen." (Limits of Political Representation: Determinants of Electoral Turnout for Integration Council in North Rhine-Westphalia) KZfSS Kölner Zeitschrift für Soziologie und Sozialpsychologie (2023): 1-27.
Talks & Presentations
Presentation of the results of the study "Limits of Political Representation: Determinants of Voter Turnout in Integration Council Elections in North Rhine-Westphalia"
Integration Council of Saarbrücken
Presentation of the results of the study "Undermining Political Integration Processes: The Corrosive Effect of Right-Wing Populism on Immigrants' Political Trust"
Conference of European Survey Research Association (ESRA), Milan
Presentation of the results of the study "Undermining Political Integration Processes: The Corrosive Effect of Right-Wing Populism on Immigrants' Political Trust"
Annual Conference of European Political Science Association (EPSA), Glasgow
Presentation of the results of the study "Undermining Political Integration Processes: The Corrosive Effect of Right-Wing Populism on Immigrants' Political Trust"
Annual Conference of the German Political Science Association (GPSA), Working Group "Wahlen und politische Einstellungen", Friedrichshafen
29/3/2023 & 15/3/2023
Presentation of the results of the study "Limits of Political Representation: Determinants of Voter Turnout in Integration Council Elections in North Rhine-Westphalia"
Integration Councils in Essen and Düsseldorf
Presentation of "Advocates of the Status Quo - Right-Wing Populist Party Success Undermines Citizen's Democratic Political Support in Times of Progressive Policy Change"
24 Hours of Political Psychology Conference, Bielefeld
Presentation of "Advocates of the Status Quo - Right-Wing Populist Party Success Undermines Citizen's Democratic Political Support in Times of Progressive Policy Change", Co-Author: Conrad Ziller
Annual Conference of European Political Science Association (EPSA), Prague
Presentation of "The impact of local social spending on the political discontent of economically deprived people - evidence from multi-level regressions on Dutch communities", Co-Presenter & Author: Teresa Hummler
Annual Conference of European Political Science Association (EPSA), Prague
Poster-Presentation of "Time for a Change: How the Political Context Shapes Citizen's Political Trust During Crisis"; Co-Author: Conrad Ziller
Annual Conference of World Association for Public Opinion Research (WAPOR), Virtual Event
Presentation of "Time for a Change: How the Political Context Shapes Citizen's Political Trust During Crisis", Co-Author: Conrad Ziller
Annual Conference of the German Political Science Association (GPSA), Working Group "Wahlen und politische Einstellungen", Virtual Event