Curriculum Vitae

Professional Experience

since 04/2022

University of Duisburg-Essen

Research Associate in the project "Democracy in Crisis: The Role of Emotions and Affective Polarization for Citizens' Political Support During Threatening Events" at the Chair of Empirical Political Science, Department of Political Science

Principal Investigator: PD Dr. Conrad Ziller

01/2020 - 03/2022

University of Duisburg-Essen

Research Associate in the project "Interethnic trust asymmetries and immigrant integration" at the Chair of Empirical Political Science, Department of Political Science

Principal Investigator: PD Dr. Conrad Ziller

10/2019 - 12/2020

infas institute for applied social science, Bonn

Project manager for data preparation of different scientific surveys

11/2016 - 04/2019

GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences, Cologne

Research assistant in the Department "Data Archive" and "Center of Excellence Women and Science"



PhD Fellow, University of Duisburg-Essen

Thesis: Inside & Outside of Political Trust: Emotional and Contextual Determinants of Political Trust

Supervisors: PD Dr. Conrad Ziller & Prof. Dr. Achim Goerres


M.Sc. Sociology & Social Research, University of Cologne

Thesis: The contextuality of welfare chauvinistic attitudes in Europe

Grade: 1.3

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Sarah Carol & PD Dr. Conrad Ziller


B.A. Sociology & Educational Science, Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz

Thesis: Differences in individual satisfaction with the health care system in an international comparison: A Multilevel Analysis

Grade: 1.0

Supervisors: Prof. Dr. Gunnar Otte & Katharina Kunißen, Dr.